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Caiman Car Detailing

Total Drying Agent

Total Drying Agent


Advanced concentrate with rapid drying.

Caiman Total Drying Agent is a high-quality product that displaces water incredibly effectively, and it is ultra-efficient and rapidly reduces drying time compared with inferior drying agents. It produces a brilliant total gloss that not long looks great but is long-lasting due to its advanced formula protectants. It is a superior drying agent that is highly concentrated and is at its optimum when diluted down to a low-level dosage. It is versatile and is suitable for all types of automatic car washes, making it a smart solution for your car wash business regardless of its operation. The highly active formulation accelerates water displacement and drying time that aids fast rinsing and water beading to minimize overall wash time. Caiman Total Drying Agent contains advanced waxes and finishing polymers that leave a long-lasting and brilliant gloss finish.

  • 10 Litres, 20 Litres and 25 Litres available
  • Displaces water very effectively minimising drying time
  • Produces a brilliant total glass with long lasting protectants
  • To be used as a concentrate


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